full name   savian paz abrantes . birth date/age   february 5, 1994/23 . born and raised  portland, oregon . education   psu grad '16, film . occupation   hbic @ gigi's bakery life goal   to be as rad as j.j. abrams .

eyes like an eagle but a heart like a lion
savian never changed his answer to the “what do you want to be when you grow up?” question. all the other kids in his class bounced from astronaut to firefighter to doctor but he always knew he wanted to be a director. his heroes were spielberg, lucas, nolan and eventually abrams. he considered himself a storyteller and he desperately wanted to see better representation in film and tv. where were the characters who looked like his family? the other queer people of color? as he got older, he questioned the absence of varied gender identities. it became his mission to shine a spotlight on the disenfranchised - to lift their voices and tell their stories.

his mother had different plans. after her husband left, she struggled to make ends meet for years but eventually saved up enough, along with a loan from the bank, to start a business to provide for her children. she intended to pass the bakery down to them - to give them stability where she had none when shit got hard. savian started working there as a teenager. he even continued filling shifts through college and now that he’s graduated? well, he’s second in command when she’s there and he’s the one calling the shots when she’s not. it’s sensible. it’s safe. it’s not what he wants but it’s what he’s doing until he can prove that making movies isn’t just some long shot childhood dream.

unfortunately good ol’ gigi isn’t convinced by any number of youtube views that the short films savian has made so far can actually get him “real” work. for now, he’s stuck in the kitchen or behind the counter and it’s not getting any easier to find time to focus on the projects he thinks will finally get his name out there. he was supposed to be famous in time to make a star wars movie. thanks, mom.

✖ cuban american

✖ into dudes

✖ aquarius

✖ ravenclaw

✖ neutral good

entp - the debator

3w2 - the charmer

✖ proud puppy papa

✖ a lush and you hate it?

✖ femme but closeted

♥ sci-fi movies (duh)

♥ patriarchy smashing

♥ peanut butter

♥ thrifting

♥ seth meyers

♥ being 6'2"

♥ old school nintendo

♥ riot grrrl jams

♥ ice cream sundaes

♥ lgbt activism

it's a blurb he's what? interests .

pb: jacob bixenman • journalcontact • random scenes and plotting, ftb or adult • coding